How to activate backups afterwards for one domain ?

  • Hi,

    During installation, I have disabled auto backup because I use a personnal script.
    But one customer want to have his own backup.

    What is the way to activate the autobackup, but only for one customer ?

    * Distribution in use : 7.0 (Wheezy)
    * i-MSCP version in use : 1.1.14 (eagle)
    * Server implementation in use : dovecot, Apache FPM, Mysql

  • 1. Enable the backup function in the installer script
    2. In the panel enable it just for this customer (you need to be logged in as reseller)

  • Hello ;

    More info for the installer and setup script options (example for the 1.2.x branch):

    1. root@wheezy:/usr/local/src/imscp# perl imscp-autoinstall -r helpUsage: perl imscp-autoinstall [OPTION]... -b, --build-only Process build steps only. -f, --force-reinstall Force reinstallation of distro packages. -s, --skip-distro-packages Do not install/update distro packages. -r, --reconfigure [item] Type --reconfigure help. -n, --noprompt Switch to non-interactive mode. -p, --preseed <file> Path to preseed file. -l, --listener <file> Path to listener file. -c --clean-packages-cache Cleanup i-MSCP packages cache. -a --skip-packages-update Skip i-MSCP packages update -d, --debug Force debug mode. -?, --help Show this help. Without any argument, the --reconfigure option allows to reconfigure allitems. You can reconfigure a specific item by pasing it name as argument. Available items are: all|servers|httpd|mta|mailfilters|po|ftpd|named|sql|hostnames|system_hostnamepanel_hostname|resolver|ips|admin|php|panel_ssl|services_ssl|ssl|backupwebstats|sqlmanager|webmail|filemanager|antirootkits

    Or with the setup script:

    1. root@wheezy:/usr/local/src/imscp# perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -r helpUsage: perl imscp-setup [OPTION]... -r, --reconfigure [item] Type --reconfigure help. -n, --noprompt Switch to non-interactive mode. -p, --preseed <file> Path to preseed file. -l, --listener <file> Path to listener file. -c --clean-packages-cache Cleanup i-MSCP packages cache. -a --skip-packages-update Skip i-MSCP packages update -d, --debug Force debug mode. -?, --help Show this help. Without any argument, the --reconfigure option allows to reconfigure allitems. You can reconfigure a specific item by pasing it name as argument. Available items are: all|servers|httpd|mta|mailfilters|po|ftpd|named|sql|hostnames|system_hostnamepanel_hostname|resolver|ips|admin|php|panel_ssl|services_ssl|ssl|backupwebstats|sqlmanager|webmail|filemanager|antirootkits

    Another way is to edit the related variables directly in the imscp.conf file (this avoid to run the installer or setup script):

    1. root@wheezy:/usr/local/src/imscp# cat /etc/imscp/imscp.conf |grep BACKUP
    2. BACKUP_ROOT_DIR = /var/www/imscp/engine/backup
    3. BACKUP_FILE_DIR = /var/www/imscp/backups
    4. BACKUP_HOUR = 23
    5. BACKUP_MINUTE = 40
    6. BACKUP_IMSCP = yes
    7. BACKUP_DOMAINS = yes

    Once it's done, you must activate the backup feature by editing the domain properties as stated by @Ninos .
