wrong standard image path to logo

  • Hi,

    after installing the 1.1.13 I saw a Problem with the {ISP_LOGO} in the "gui/themes/default/shared/layouts/ui.tpl file".
    Without changing anything (I did a migration from ispcp 1.0.7) I was "themes/omega_original/assets/images/imscp_logo.png"

    The URL of the ispcp omega was "themes/omega_original/images/top/top_left.jpg"

    So there is some problem with the migration script?


  • Hello ;

    Please post your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file here and also the result of the following sql query:

    1. # mysql -u root -p<password>
    2. > use ispcp;
    3. > select logo from user_gui_props;

    BTW: The omega_original theme is not part of imscp.


  • Yeah!

    That Table, I have not seen it when I was searching for any theme sql settings ;)

    1. (1, '', '', NULL, '', 1),(5, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(6, 'en_GB', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(24, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(25, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(26, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(27, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(32, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(34, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1),(35, 'de_DE', 'omega_original', NULL, '', 1);

    I think changing to "default" should de the trick.
