imscp-setup fails after ispcp migration - Database update 53 failed

  • Hi,

    I tried migrating from ispcp 1.0.7. The Migration script worked fine, but after running imscp-setup -d, I run into the following error:


    main::setupUpdateDatabase: [ERROR] Database update 53 failed: SQLSTATE[22007]:
    Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\x9A\xAD\xE7\x13p&...'
    for column 'mail_pass' at row 1
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1

    can someone help me with that?

  • just downloaded i-mscp yesterday and the file says 1.1.13.

    Debian is 7.6, php 5.4.4

    Mysql is a mariadb 10.0.12 on a different server in case that's relevant

  • I'll prepare a local VM, latest Debian+MariaDB (on the same server first) and install iSPCP on it, then update to i-MSCP 1.1.13

    EDIT: Get some trouble with my PC and virtualisation tools today. I just finish to fix the issue.
    So, I'll do that right after I get back from work ;)

  • mh... ispcp was installed using mysql on the same server. At some point I installed mariadb on a different server and migrated everything, ispcp didn't complain... If you say that's the problem, I might try switching to mysql on same server back, upgrading to imscp and then switching back to mariadb on different server if you think that's the issue?