MySQL-Zugang schlägt fehl

  • @jacboy

    I'll read but first, I need to smoke ;)

    BTW: You cannot login as reseller because one of its customer is not deleted correctly (orphaned entry).


  • @jacboy

    re ;

    Server fixed. This was due to two orphaned customers (Don't ask me why)... Please, check that all goes fine now and don't forget to disable the debug mode once it's done. Also please, mark the thread as solved. For any other question, open a new thread ;)

    Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.

    BTW: Next time, don't power off the server as long I'm working on it. I wanted delete any garbage due to the orphaned entries but the server was down before... This work is now in your hands so ;)


  • Hi,

    @Nuxwin can you please provide a tutorial
    which steps you have made? I´d like to proceed this
    on an other server.

  • Was machst Du denn da für einen Mist. Dem armen Server wird irgendwann schwindelig. :D

    Ein generelles HowTo um Fehler in der MySQL Datenbank zu beheben kann man nicht schreiben.
    Dazu fehlen jedem hier die hellseherischen Fähigkeiten. :P

    Ich hatte z.B. vorhin einen Fehler in der 'admin' Tabelle. Da war der Wert von 'created_by' auf NULL.
    Deshalb konnte ich die Benutzerliste im Panel nicht mehr öffnen.
    Hab den Wert auf 2 gesetzt (ist die ID vom Reseller) und schon war alles wieder fein.

  • @FISA4

    In fact, it's easy to provide a howto to find and solve orphan entries but the point here is: I'm not the teacher of @jacboy ;) If anybody want a teacher, I can act like such but this will have a cost ;)


  • @FISA4

    Only in your dreams :) Do you really think that this kind of drugs is ok? CHUCKLES... I'm not a crazy man. I let the monkey money for others ;)
    You want see me act as your personal teacher? Ok, give me at least 60 € per hour. It's maybe expensive but this is not so much when you know how much I'll have to pay for the hospital. For sure, with such newbies, my brain will be ruined in few time.
