Roundcube Plugin 0.0.8 error when i run imscp-rqst-mngr

  • Hello,

    I would like to ask do you success fix the error? If yes, what is the solution?
    Unknown Error:
    An unexpected error occurred:
    iMSCP::File::get: Unable to open /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: Nincs ilyen fájl vagy könyvtár
    Plugin::RoundcubePlugins::_modifyDovecotConfig: Unable to read /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
    I check the "/etc/dovecot/" path, but I don't find file...

    RoundcubePlugins - Version 0.0.9
    i-MSCP 1.1.20 - Debian 7

  • Hello @kalmarr

    You must switch to dovecot:

    1. # cd <imscp_archive>
    2. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dar po

    because the plugin doesn't handle case where dovecot is not installed (eg when your are using courier)... We should solve this issue in later release.
