neues OpenVZ Image

  • Hi, ich hab mal ein neues OpenVZ Debian Image fertig gemacht.
    Falls es jemand braucht:

    Debian 7.6 - AMD64 Minimal
    Bootstrap von
    Zeitzone: Europe/Berlin
    Nachträglich installierte Pakete:
    - ca-certificates
    - ca-certificates-java
    - mc
    - nano

    Zu finden hier:

  • @FISA4

    Oh, great :thumbsup: I'll test it. It's ok for proxmox?

    Can I ask you a favor? Can you provide images for 32bits and 64bits platforms? And the most important thing.... For Debian Jessie?

    If you are ok, I'll move those images under a subdir of our domain ;)

    BTW: Why the ca-certificates-java package?


  • it should run under proxmox as good as under openvz. ;)

    i think i can provide an 32bit image tomorrow.
    after that, i try to create the jessie images (32 and 64bit)

    no problem to move the images to a subdir of i-mscp.

    the java package... i don´t know. if you want, i can remove it and create a new image ;)

    BTW: sometimes a problem like last night can inspire me to do such things. :D

  • Great ;) I can't wait ;)


  • @Nuxwin
    Debian 7.6 - i386 Minimal
    Bootstrap from
    Timezone: Europe/Berlin
    additional packages:
    - ca-certificates
    - mc
    - nano

    is ready to download, test and use. ;)

    i forgot to tell that:
    - ssh
    - quota
    - less

    are also installed in both images.

  • Re;

    I'll test both now but I'll do a little:

    1. # dpkg-reconfigure tzdata# dpkg-reconfigure locales

    I already talking English like a cow so imagine with german...

    I always also do first (before installing i-MSCP)

    1. # apt-get install tasksel
    2. # tasksel install standard

    The most important thing for me is the Jessie images availability ;)


  • ups... i forgot locales. :dodgy:

    i think i should create the images new. but first i create the jessie images.
    jessie-i386-minimal is currently under development. ;)

  • @Nuxwin
    - ssh
    - locales (de_DE UTF-8, en_GB UTF-8) en_GB as standard
    - less
    - quota
    - ca-certificates
    - mc
    - nano
    - tasksel
    -- standard

    is done

    now i go to bed and as soon as i am awake, i will create the AMD64 image

  • @Nuxwin

    It´s done.

    debian-jessie-amd64 is now available.
    Installed packages:
    - ssh
    - locales (no default)
    - less
    - quota
    - ca-certificates
    - mc
    - nano
    - tasksel
    -- standard

  • @FISA4

    How did you installed the ssh server exactly? Did you changed something in the default configuration. I asks this because I was unable to connect to SSH. Below the error message and log (I've not searched more for now) ;)

    1. nuxwin@dev:~$ ssh root@ from socket failed: Connection reset by peer

    On the ve, I get this errors when I restart the service.

    1. root@proxmox:/etc/ssh# service ssh restartCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_keyCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_keyCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key[....] Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_keyCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_keyCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key. ok


    1. Aug 2 02:49:32 w76 sshd[1455]: Server listening on port 22.
    2. Aug 2 02:49:32 w76 sshd[1455]: Server listening on :: port 22.
    3. Aug 2 02:49:48 w76 sshd[1526]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
    4. Aug 2 02:49:48 w76 sshd[1526]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
    5. Aug 2 02:49:48 w76 sshd[1526]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
    6. Aug 2 02:49:48 w76 sshd[1526]: fatal: No supported key exchange algorithms [preauth]

    After a purge and reinstall, all goes fine.

    I think you followed this howto: and so the problem is maybe due to the keys generation script (Don't know)...
