Addhandler php html
- Delta04
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Yes, also apache2 just to be sure. And after that, the whole server. :))
So you must add
But for this thing to work, you must allow usage of the directive in the .htaccess files.
By default we have in the vhost:
Try to change it to
The modification for fpm is still valid. Don't forget to restart all services (apache, fpm). And remove also the AddType ... which you previously added.
Sorry for the late answer. Today I started to modified the files to see if it's working or not. Well, I encounter a small problem with the Apache2 vhost files. The server is running on an Ubuntu 14.04 witch comes with Apache/2.4.7.
On this version of Apache2 things are a bit different than Apache 2.2.x from your example, one of the reason that I can't find, -
Sorry, it's my mistake. You should have AllowOverride All. The previous statement is only added when PHP is disabled
Code- <VirtualHost {DOMAIN_IP}:80>
- ServerAdmin webmaster@{DOMAIN_NAME}
- ServerName {DOMAIN_NAME}
- DocumentRoot {WEB_DIR}/htdocs
- LogLevel error
- ErrorLog {HTTPD_LOG_DIR}/{DOMAIN_NAME}/error.log
- Alias /errors {HOME_DIR}/errors/
- AssignUserID {USER} {GROUP}
- # SECTION itk END.
- # SECTION suexec BEGIN.
- SuexecUserGroup {USER} {GROUP}
- # SECTION suexec END.
- # SECTION php_enabled BEGIN.
- # SECTION php_fpm BEGIN.
- <IfVersion < 2.4.9>
- Alias /php5-fcgi /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/php5-fcgi-{DOMAIN_NAME}
- FastCGIExternalServer /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/php5-fcgi-{DOMAIN_NAME} \
- -socket /var/run/php5-fpm-{POOL_NAME}.socket \
- -idle-timeout 300 \
- -pass-header Authorization
- </IfVersion>
- <IfVersion >= 2.4.9>
- SetEnvIfNoCase ^Authorization$ "(.+)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
- <Proxy "unix:/var/run/php5-fpm-{POOL_NAME}.socket|fcgi://php5-fpm">
- ProxySet disablereuse=off
- </Proxy>
- <FilesMatch \.php$>
- SetHandler proxy:fcgi://php5-fpm
- </FilesMatch>
- </IfVersion>
- # SECTION php_fpm END.
- # SECTION php_enabled END.
- <Directory {WEB_DIR}/htdocs>
- Options +FollowSymlinks
- # SECTION php_disabled BEGIN.
- AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes Limit Options=Indexes \
- Fileinfo=RewriteEngine,RewriteOptions,RewriteBase,RewriteCond,RewriteRule
- # SECTION php_disabled END.
- # SECTION php_enabled BEGIN.
- AllowOverride All
- # SECTION fcgid BEGIN.
- Options +ExecCGI
- FCGIWrapper {PHP_STARTER_DIR}/{FCGID_NAME}/php5-fcgid-starter
- # SECTION fcgid END.
- php_admin_value open_basedir "{HOME_DIR}/:{PEAR_DIR}/{PHPINI_OPEN_BASEDIR}"
- php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir "{WEB_DIR}/phptmp"
- php_admin_value session.save_path "{WEB_DIR}/phptmp"
- php_admin_value soap.wsdl_cache_dir "{WEB_DIR}/phptmp"
- php_admin_value sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f webmaster@{DOMAIN_NAME}"
- # Custom values
- php_admin_value max_execution_time {MAX_EXECUTION_TIME}
- php_admin_value max_input_time {MAX_INPUT_TIME}
- php_admin_value memory_limit "{MEMORY_LIMIT}M"
- php_value error_reporting {ERROR_REPORTING}
- php_flag display_errors {DISPLAY_ERRORS}
- php_admin_value post_max_size "{POST_MAX_SIZE}M"
- php_admin_value upload_max_filesize "{UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE}M"
- php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen {ALLOW_URL_FOPEN}
- # SECTION itk END.
- # SECTION php_enabled END.
- </Directory>
- # SECTION cgi_support BEGIN.
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ {WEB_DIR}/cgi-bin/
- <Directory {WEB_DIR}/cgi-bin>
- AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes Limit Options=Indexes
- </Directory>
- # SECTION cgi_support END.
- # SECTION php_disabled BEGIN.
- php_admin_flag engine off
- # SECTION itk END.
- # SECTION fcgid BEGIN.
- RemoveHandler .php php5
- # SECTION fcgid END.
- # SECTION php_fpm BEGIN.
- RemoveHandler .php php5
- # SECTION php_fpm END.
- # SECTION php_disabled END.
- # SECTION addons BEGIN.
- # SECTION addons END.
- </VirtualHost>
Ok, I did all that and no change. Apache had already in the domain vhost " AllowOverride All ". In root dir of web server, inside .htaccess I did insert " AddHandler .html php5 ". I have added also .html in /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/ domain.tld.conf.... Did I missed something?
for me this solution works
I've modified the fpm pool as said by Nuxwin
and edited the .htaccess with
With this mod, you must to disable the php permission editing for the user, because, if they make a change, the pool will restored without the security limit setting
service php5-fpm restart
And now the .html file can run the php code included
Bye bye