Quota usage

  • In the recent versions of imscp, there are two different quotas per user

    • Email quota [MiB]
    • Disk space limit [MiB]

    I would like to know some things about them:

    • Are they separate quotas, eg. 1G space limit + 500M email quota means 1,5G max space in server?
    • Are they enforced, for example with 500M email limit, whenever the global limit is passed the users stop receiving mail?

    So far this are my doubts,


  • @aseques

    Please, search on the forum. Those questions were answered many times already.


  • @aseques

    Ok, I'm in an happy day ;) First read: Coming release - Email quota management review

    To be more clear

    • The email quota limit cannot be set to a greater value than the disk space limit
    • The diskspace quota check is based on the sum of both mail and web space consumption ; the limit in use here is the diskspace limit
    • The email quota check is based on the disk space used by email only ; The limit in use here is the email quota limit


  • Thanks for the reply, couldn't find it in the forum. I'll try to set a page in de wiki with a summary and some FAQ points (the problem with the forum is that you never know if it applies to current release or not :))