It is a solution that I use with i-mscp and maybe it can help someone, or just parts of what I'm using. If someone thinks different, please ignore my post.
Backup time and throttling
- to be discussed
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
I was jut thinking about the time you said something about adding simple cron job to domains/users.
But you are right. All the things that you offered to add in version 1.1.13 sound as good solutions.
Sorry I was carried away!
On the internet everybodies talks about backup, but only few talk about restore in the case you need it.
With a normal (tar) backup a restore is easy, with incrementals, I believe that's another story. But I will check it, for sure.Thanks, Nuxwin, for working on this.
Hello ;
I've worked a few about the new implementation on my paper. Here come the result:
Draft for the new backup feature implementation
Daily backup task
The daily backup will be a cron task. This task will be responsible to do an incremental backup of a specific domain using the rdiff-backup tool, and put the resulting data either on a local directory1 or a remote server using rsync2.
This backup task will not create any archive3 for the end users (customers). This will be simply the daily incremental backup (with or without compression) of the domain data.Each domain will have it own daily backup task run at different time, which includes incremental backup of any data related to the domain:
- Metadata: This is the data which are pulled from the database (domain properties, htaccess, sql users, mail users, ftp users...)
- Web data: This is the web data which belong to the domain
- Mail data: This is the data of mailboxes which belong to the domain
- SQL data: This is the SQL databases data (dumps) which belong to the domain
Note: Here, a domain refers to a single domain (either a domain, a domain alias or subdomain). This is a major difference with the current i-MSCP backup feature implementation which does an all-in-one backup. Also, you can see that now, we'll save all data (including those from the i-MSCP database)
Backup archive requested by a customer through the GUI interface
As stated above the daily backup task will not produce any backup archive. Instead the backup will be processed incrementally.
The backup action as provided through the GUI, will allow the customer to request a backup archive for a specific domain (this archive will be the actual state of the last incremental backup including full data).
When a customer will request for a backup archive, a new task will be put in the i-MSCP job queue for processing and then, when this task will be achieved, the customer will be noticed. The resulting backup archive will be available through the usual backup directory (inside the customer home directory).
It must be noted that the administrator will be able to set a limit for the maximum number of requests that a customer can do (per day and per domain). This will prevent abuses.
Backup restoration requested by a customer through the GUI interface
A customer will be able to request a restoration of its backup archives through the GUI interface. For this, the customer will have to upload the backup archive in the usual backup directory. Once this task will be requested, a new job will be added in the i-MSCP job queue. Finally, when the restoration task will be finished, the customer will be notified.
It should be noted here that a restoration will remove any current data (including database data).
Note: Each archive will be signed to mitigate any compromission and the backup manager will keep trace of those signatures.4
- This will allow to mitigate CPU time and disk access problems because no archive will be created. Also, the admin will be able to setup the local directory path (eg, on another disk).
- This will allow to mitigate CPU time and disk access problems.
- Same as above, this will allow to mitigate the CPU time and disk access because the backup archive will be created only when really needed.
- This will allow to mitigate security problems about backup archive which can be compromised by customers
Any suggestion? -
Sounds really good May the restoration process can be a little bit more dynamic (set what you want to restore). Another point is, may the customer can set a fully (not incremental) backup per week/month/year.
Is it also possible to define a mail or something like that, which will be sended after completion of the backup (As ping).
I have the deepest respect... The entusiasm you are putting in to this is huge...
I have read it a few times, and I think I understand the idea. And I think I can see the benefits of this. The customer backup archive request is brilliant. That force the customer to take responsibility and I like that a lot.
I would love to see this in practice...
"Each domain will have it own daily backup task run at a different time"
The next feature request will be to program some extra hours in a day because with many domains on a server 24 hours ain't enough to spread the load or bandwith
I don't know about this. If your server can't handle the load because you have a lot of domains you should upgrade your server(s) or infrastructure. There is not really a good compromise in this. Spread the load, and you need more time to complete, the same goes for bandwith. Spreading things might not choke your server, or prevent it from getting too slow, but in my opinion this is not the best solution.
However, I do welcome a better integrated backup solution -
You think too fast...
The bandwidth problem can occur only in case of a remote server usage. Anyway, we can set the --bwlimit option with rsync. Furthermor, the NAS servers (remote server) are generally on the same network and so, the synchronization should be fast. We can also minimise the resource consumption with the job queue
You are right, but good backups should be on a external server anyway.
When you minimize resources to a process it will take longer to complete.(Meanwhile testing Concrete5, had never heard of it before)