I need a litte help with the new version 1.1.9.
In php-frameworks like symfony you have a directory structure with many folders like apps, src, vendor that should be outside of the documentroot. Only the web folder shall be inside of the documentroot.
In earlier versions of i-MSCP I solved that by creating a new directory "symfony" inside the mountpoint (at the same level as htdocs), removed htdocs and replaced it by a symlink pointing to "symfony/web".
In that way everything worked as it should.
With the new versions and the new directory protection this no longer works without issues.
So I would like to ask what´s your recommendation to install such web application?
Shall I put everything under 00_private? But how to link htdocs to the web subfolder?
Of course I could COPY the contents of the web subfolder to htdocs and adjust paths, but that would break the structure and makes updates more complicated.
So I´m very interested in your ideas.
Kind regards