I just setted up on a new second server to test few things. The installation worked fine. But then I misstipped the domain and so I have to change the host domain data in the .config file to server.domain.com and admin.server.domain.com Then I rerunned the installer and tried to login at admin.server.domain.com like the note on the end of the install suggested me but I got Website was not found. Okey, I tried just server.domain.com and it didn't worked. So I thought there is an issue with the domain and checked domain.com and I got to the login page. So I started to setup the website domain.com but ofc, as soon I assigned a space to it the admin panel didn't worked anymore and I just got to the default page (This is the default page for domain.com...) and thats it.
Any Ideas how to fix this?
Thanks for the help and sorry for my weird text above, hope you can understand my steps. if not, just leave a comment here what you don't understand and I try to explain it in other words. By the way. I'm using the 1.1.5 Stable Version
Best Regards