Update of Git Master 20131121 not working

  • Hi all,
    I tried to update Git Master 20131121 with the update-script 0.9 today - it seems to stop working performing step 20 of 22 and there at step 13 of 13: "Processing Htgroup (tochange) tasks: statistics:5 (ID5)". No error-message, but no more change of the message since nearly two hours.
    Here is the update-script:

    /etc/cron.d/imscp is temporarily renamed and imscp-processes are killed
    System is Ubuntu 10.4

    Any Idea, what's going wrong?

  • Hello



  • Sorry but do you need a brain? So hard to search on google?



  • Thanks, gOOvER, worked like a charm!

    Nuxwin: sorry for my question, I knew teamviewer only as a desktop-sharing-solution and wondered whether such an indirect way could be really workable. I updated my brain and now I know, it's chat etc. also and I thank you for offering support this way.