Hello, now i have got other problema when uninstall.
Now this error:
The error occur when uninstalling daemons.
Now i check my system:
I find the files, my fail ?? a bug ??
I cant solve creating the files because files are present, and I check that uninstall fail because files continue.
checking the code:
QuoteDisplay Moresub _uninstallDaemons
my ($rs, $stdout, $stderr);
for ($main::imscpConfig{'IMSCP_NETWORK_SNAME'}, $main::imscpConfig{'IMSCP_DAEMON_SNAME'}) {
if(-f "$main::imscpConfig{'INIT_SCRIPTS_DIR'}/$_") {
if($main::imscpConfig{'SERVICE_INSTALLER'} ne 'no') {
$rs = execute("$main::imscpConfig{'SERVICE_INSTALLER'} -f $_ remove", \$stdout, \$stderr);
debug($stdout) if $stdout;
error($stderr) if $stderr && $rs;
return $rs if $rs;
$rs = iMSCP::File->new('filename' => $_)->delFile();
return $rs if $rs;
I don't see files for delete or route, and don't know how obtain the service for deletion.
Any suggestion ??
Using the last from svn at 23:18 CET