Migrate from one server to another

  • Hello, this is the closest topic for my problem:
    I'm using Debian 6.0.7 and i want to switch to Debian 7.1 (or newest).

    How can i save all the I-MSCP data, and restore it back?
    There are other way to switch distribution without big problems?


  • Normally it should work when you upgrade Debian and then update to lastest Master..... With the Update all Configs will be new rewritten.

    Ok, i will try in a safe environment before going online.

    So, should i do these steps?
    1) Upgrade Debian from 6.0.7 to 7.2
    2) Get the last imscp version
    3) Upgrading I-MSCP using autoinstall

    Is it correct?

  • Yes (to 7.3) ;)

    ref: http://www.debian.org/News/2013/20131214


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hola Hay alguna noticia sobre la secuencia de comandos de copia de seguridad de restauración para mover un dominio de un servidor a otro i-MSCP con tembain i-MSCP
    Un saludo y gracias

    PD: Lo siento por el Inglés