Wordpress 3.3.1 software installer, need some help

  • I have been trying to make a software installer package for Wordpress 3.3.1
    but can't seem to make it, fill in the config file and therefor not making a database either.
    The package is installed though and all files are placed correct.

    I have to say i have never made any thing like this before, so i have just been testing my way around, from what info i could find on the Wiki and by looking at the joomla package that was already made.

    Morten de Nully

    Edited once, last by denully ().

  • So...
    At first... You can find the rpoblem on your own...
    If you start the "perl wordpressen" the script will show you every error.
    If there is no error you will get this message

    1. [DEGUB] i-MSCP installer file - No Input Data available

    At the moment you got a lot of errors

    You need to escape the chars "@, $, %, [".
    Then you nee to define "$new_table_options"... Like in this example:

    1. my $table_options = "table_options";
    2. my $new_table_options = $sw_software_prefix.$table_options;

    Edited once, last by TheCry ().

  • Thank you TheCry
    i dont have linux on my own computer, which was why i didnt know how to run a perl script hehe, like i said i have never made such a package before.
    But c0urier has shown me how to run them on my computer.

    Edited once, last by denully ().

  • Hello,
    has someone a package for Wordpress 3.3.1 in German?

    a few people are working on making a wordpress package, but we are having a few issues with it.
    As soon as its made in 1 language, it will be easy to make in all other languages as well :)
    as soon as i hear / find one, i will post it on http://forum.i-mscp.net/thread-564.html