SSL problep after upgrading to 1.1.3

  • Hello, as usual debian 7.4, upgrading from i-mscp 1.1.0 to 1.1.3
    Panel is tuned to be accessable from https.
    Problem is: Any clients' domain (without SSL) are redirecting to its https, which is redirecting to the panel's login page.
    Downgrading, -r, -d doesn't helps

  • Had more or less your same symptoms. Resolved like that:

    1. dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
    2. c_rehash
    3. cd /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/
    4. ./imscp-setup

    Hope it helps.

  • I saw it before, but it didn't help. I did it again - no changes
    UPD: But any new domains are creating well.

  • I've run into this, where it didn't create the NameVirtualHost entry (entries if with SSL for IP:80 and 443) in /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_nameserver.conf

    Make those two lines at the bottom of the conf file and it should figure it out correctly.

  • Thank you!!! It's the last thing I may do!!! Exactly there was no NameVirtualHost