I get many error messages but I do not understand what it means.
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An exception with the following message was thrown in file
/var/www/imscp/gui/library/login-functions.php (Line: 362):
You have to wait 30 seconds.
Debug backtrace:
File: /var/www/imscp/gui/public/index.php (Line: 69)
Function: shall_user_wait()
And this.
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A critical error just was encountered while executing function main::backup in
Error encountered was:
main::backup: /bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/attachment-31455.png: File
removed before we read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/attachment-31452.png: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/thumbnail-31446.jpg: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/attachment-31443.jpg: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/thumbnail-31443.jpg: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/attachment-31454.png: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/attachment-31446.jpg: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments/attachment-31451.png: File removed before we
read it
/bin/tar: ./htdocs/wbb2/attachments: file changed as we read it
Here, I miss the domain.
I should think the error messages you time to revise so that you know what I mean.
Kind regards,