Update 1.1.2 > 1.1.3

  • Hallo,

    Ich wollte gerade von 1.1.2 auf 1.1.3 updaten aber es gibt ein error:
    imscp-vrl-traff prozess läuft noch und sollte nochmals probieren, ich habe jetzt 10 min gewarten und bekomme noch immer diese Fehlermeldung?

    Was ist zu machen ? :)

  • Just wait...


  • I have another Probleme and don't want to open a extra thread for that.

    I have searched in the imscp.conf for the root mySQL Password but over the domain.tld/pma i can't login with the Password and username 'root'?

  • Re;

    The password in the imscp.conf file is encrypted... You cannot use it as this... You forgot your password?


  • Re;

    The password in the imscp.conf file is encrypted... You cannot use it as this... You forgot your password?

    Yes i have forgot it for my local testmachine :)
    Is there any way to view the password in plain-text or must it be reset over reconfigure?

  • In past this was possible to see the password in log but I've removed it for security reasons... Give me 10 minutes, I'll script something which will allow you to see that password.


  • Ok, just create the following perl script in your /root directory (or whatever):


    1. #!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use lib "/var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib";use iMSCP::Debug;use iMSCP::Bootstrapper;use iMSCP::Crypt;# Do not clear screen at end of script$ENV{'IMSCP_CLEAR_SCREEN'} = 0;iMSCP::Bootstrapper->getInstance()->boot( { 'nolock' => 'yes', 'norequirements' => 'yes', 'config_readonly' => 'yes' });print "Your clear password is: " . iMSCP::Crypt->getInstance()->decrypt_db_password( $main::imscpConfig{'DATABASE_PASSWORD'}) . "\n";1;

    Once it's done, just run it as follow:

    1. # perl show_db_pwd.pl
