Hey there,
I want to create a new plugin (DefaultServerPage). For that I need a hook, that regenerates the template files (apache for example) after I activate the plugin.
Attached my current version of the plugin.
Hey there,
I want to create a new plugin (DefaultServerPage). For that I need a hook, that regenerates the template files (apache for example) after I activate the plugin.
Attached my current version of the plugin.
Hello ;
What template you want regenerate exactly? I bet 00_master.conf... Anyway, those templates (panel vhost templates are builded while install/update process only). You can of course trigger the installer manually through the plugin but it's more hard.
BTW: in the backend part, you cannot use relative path such as ../templates/apache/00_master.conf" because the backend is not executed from the Gui plugin directory. Backend part is copied into /var/www/engine/Plugins
Edit: i'll show you how to process but before, I ask you to push this work on github and give me an access to your branch. Thanks
Hmm ok thank you. So the absolute path must be hardcoded?
No, you must use the i-MSCP APi to get GUI base root plugin directory followed by PluginName/templates/apache/00_master.conf
Also, for opening files and so on, please, use the i-MSCP library instead of reinventing the wheel
See the parameters defined in the imscp.conf file
Again, I can help you if you push this works on github.
Thanks! You are now collaborator of the repo. I will commit in the next hour the pathfix
Thx. Send me the link to your repo (via PM)
I'll check it and upload it. The code seem ok now. Only a restricted list of i-MSCP team members is allowed to upload new plugin (using same user).
BTW: In my opinion, someone helped you or your are learning really fast...
Haha I'm a dev, so coding shouldn't be a problem for me. Today I coded the first time in perl, so at first it was a little bit hard to understand the language and imscp-api (also because of the missing documentations :D). But the code of the imscp-project and other plugins helped me out -> your code helped me!
PS: Is there a function to copy an folder? I just found the copyFile()-function...
EDIT: found the rcopy function in the iMSCP::Dir Class...
The plugin and wiki should be ready. Can a dev please test it and upload it to the plugin store (or give me more permissions :D)
http://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php?id=plugins:serverdefaultpage (atm links to the plugin store are wrong)