Net2Ftp Update

  • Hallo Jungs,

    es gibt ja inzwischen (schon lange) eine neue Net2Ftp Stable Version.
    Wie kann ich das am gescheitesten upgraden damit es später keine Probleme gibt ?
    Bei PMA habt ihr ja ein befehl dafür.
    Oder kann Net2Ftp ganz einfach ersetzt werden durch das erneuern der Dateien im entsprechenden Ordner und einem sql update ?


  • I'll update the addon to last version this week. I forgot about it...


  • badge.php?id=1239063037&bid=2518&key=1747635596&format=png&z=547451206

  • DE:
    Seid dem Update auf i-MSCP 1.1.3 und das damit verbundene Net2Ftp 1.0 funktioniert der Upload von Dateien nicht.

    Be the update to i-MSCP 1.1.3 and the associated net2ftp 1.0 does not work the upload of files.

    Temporary file can not be created.
    Back or Return to Login

    The error occured in file /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/filemanager/includes/ on line 2022.

    function acceptFiles (/var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/filemanager/modules/upload/ on line 251)
    argument 0:

    function net2ftp_module_printBody (/var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/filemanager/includes/ on line 325)

    function net2ftp (/var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/filemanager/index.php on line 65)
    argument 0: printBody

  • A ticket please


  • A ticket please

    I can not.
    I can not register with my username BaRt nor do I have a confirmation email received at a registry in the bug tracker with a different name (User-BaRt)

    Maybe you can keep it in mind.
    That's a very bad problem because no user can upload data via the net2ftp surface.
    It is only accessible through the file browser of the PC possible.

    You may also kan someone has anderst of the problem and is registered in the bug tracker create a ticket.


  • I have the same problem with the confirmation mail from the Bugtracker, @Nuxwin if you want please activate me 'andy-lu' thx.

  • Hello ;

    The bug should be now fixed. See…9fc5e75416b4b0ac3/net2ftp for further details. You can update your net2ftp addon version as usually:

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -d

    Thank you for your report.

    @andy-lu Can you retry please? I don't see your account in trac...
