(apache) Strange message: "it works!"

  • Hi there,

    This is something very strange: when surfing on one of my customer's website, someone saw a blank page with the message "it works". This looks like the apache default page: the kind of page you're not supposed to see !
    I've never seen this message on this site. From my computer, everything is fine.

    By searching through the tree, I found that the page is located here: /var/www/index.html

    Do you have any idea how and why this page has been displayed? Is there a certain configuration (browser? Dns?) that enables to view this page?
    What is the apache configuration file, where this page is configured ? is there something wrong with i-mscp virtualhosts config ?

    Thank you for your suggestions: I absolutely do not understand how this page has been displayed...

    Best regards,

  • Hello ;

    Please post the result of the a2dissite command result (in private if you prefer).


  • The full list please !


  • I've never seen this message on this site. From my computer, everything is fine.

    Sry for the question, but have you cleared your browser cache? :D

  • ohhhh after one week, I finally found the answer...
    I forgot I set one dns AAAA for my server.... So one customer actually had IPv6 connectivity, and tried to access the website using Ipv6.
    Since apache is IPv6 ready by default, it actually answered the request... and so it answered with apache default site "It Works !"

    I suggest that IPv6 should be set "off" (listen and listen until i-mscp is double stack ready, to avoid this kind of very strange behavior...

    regards, julien

  • Oh yes forgot it because my webserver is already dual stack ready. You can remove your AAAA entry or just follow this howto:

    I don't know when @Nuxwin plans to make imscp dualstack ready. Maybe I will code a plugin for that if this is on the bottom of his todo-list :D