
  • Ok, then I have to check also again. Never had this problem on one of my productive systems nor on my test systems.

  • Was SpamAssassin installed before the update of i-MSCP?

  • Yes. New install of i-MSCP. Followed Wiki and installed SA. After that i installed Plugin

    And then you made the upgrade of i-MSCP and got this error?
    Sorry, is not totally clear when it happend, because I can't reproduce.

  • I have an idea where this problem comes from. But first I have to check with @Nuxwin

    There was a change in the which broke some things with the plugins. And that was fixed today, and maybe that was the reason why you got this problem.
    I'm still not able to reproduce.

  • hej...

    since (I guess) version 0.0.6 I got an error while saving spam adress rules in roundcube. By saving new rules the mysql connection seems to be broken:

    Is there any possibbility to fix this?


    --- das glas ist halb voll ---

  • Open the file /etc/spamassassin/ and take the password from the line user_scores_sql_password.

    Then try on the shell if you could connect to the database:

    1. mysql -u sa_user -p

    and when connected try this:

    1. use imscp_spamassassin;show tables;

    And please provide also the output of the following commands:

    1. cat /etc/imscp/imscp.conf | grep DATABASE_HOST
    2. cat /etc/imscp/imscp.conf | grep DATABASE_USER_HOST
    3. cat /etc/imscp/imscp.conf | grep BASE_SERVER_IP