Errors on 1.1.1 installation on a "heavily customized" debian

  • Hi,

    I tried installing the newest 1.1.1 today for the first time ever. Did not have anything to do with i-mscp in the past. After many hours of apt-get remove, purge, etc., rm -r all of the files located in various subdirs i still get a multitude of errors, mostly mysql is my concern... here is the dump. I need to stress out that before installing i-mscp I did apt-get steps from scratch, each time (so painful).

    System: Debian 7 x64


    • errors.txt

      (12.15 kB, downloaded 133 times, last: )
  • Hello ;

    I see nothing wrong with i-MSCP apart that you are trying to install it on a system which is misconfigured. Before starting the installer again, you should first fix all issues on your system such as:

    • The configuration files for PHP module which were removed and must be reinstalled from /usr/share/php5 as stated in your error file
    • Fix your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file which is wrong
    • Fix your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fastcgi.conf file which is wrong
    • and so on...

    i-MSCP is not an human and cannot think in your place. It cannot fix pre-existent mistakes which was made by the sysadmin.
