i-MSCP PhpMyAdmin Addon updated to version

  • Dear community ;

    The i-MSCP PhpMyAdmin addon has been updated to the version

    You can update as usually by running the following command:

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -d

    Debian Jessie

    A bug has been found which prevent PhpMyAdmin to run on Debian Jessie when using the PHP5-FPM server implementation.
    This bug is due to the opcache module which comes with PHP5.5. This bug is already fxed in the Git stable branch and will be part of the first maintenance release 1.1.1

    In waiting this new release, you can update to Git stable or disable the opcache module globally in the /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini configuration file. Another way is to simply disable the module as follow:

    1. php5dismod opcache && service php5-fpm restart

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.
