Error while upgrading from 1.1.0-rc4.7 to 1.1.0 final (Debian wheezy)

  • The admin table in the imscp-database seems to be incomplete in the RC4.7 - the columns admin_sys_name and admin_sys_gname are missing (setup breaks there).
    When I add those and restart the setup, the installer hangs because those columns are empty (of course, I think the installer would like the user and group name in there).

    The error is thrown in the php-fpm-installation process.

    I did another update from 1.1.0-rc2.3 and one from 1.0.3 - both were totally fine. Only upgrade from RC4.7 is not working properly.
    I could however reinstall RC4.7 without a problem, server is running ok.

  • Hello ;

    Sorry but many system were updated from 1.1.0-rc4.7 to 1.1.0 and all goes fine. Also, you should not play with SQL tables/Columns manually without knowing what you are doing...

    Without further information we cannot help you. Please enable debug mode and provide us the logs.


  • I was just checking how deep the rabit hole goes - I deleted the columns afterwards. The error comes back even after a fresh install of 1.1.0-rc4.7 and another try to get the update going. Debug log says:

  • Ok, the critical error comes earlier:

  • Teamviewer?


  • I'll try it myself, most likely (now that I know there was a user/mysql error at first) the error is derived from my database setup. Somehow it worked with 1.0.3 -> 1.1.0 but not rc4.7 -> 1.1.0

  • Re ;

    Exactly. If the installer cannot update the i-mscp database, it's normal :D Anyway, I'll review the code because the installer should show such error at run-time and not only in log.


  • I had no problem installing rc4.7 (fresh install, no update) with the exact same database. Somewhere in the update process old mysql passwords stop to work. The database currently has some old passwords (in old_password format, 16 char hash) and all new users / passwords are 41 char hashes). The mix does not seem to work in the update process.

    [update] and thus the solution: I had to convert the password of the root user to the new hash format for the upgrade to work.
    This is a new problem for me: the old passwords don't work anymore since 1.1.0 - I'm currently resetting all passwords to get them to be safed in the new password format to get that fixed.