Error Upgrade from 1.1.0-rc4.7 to 1.1.0 stable

  • Hello,

    while trying to update the current version I get the following error message.

    Can anyone help me?

  • Hello

    How do you have updated exactly?


  • Do you use some plugins ?

    I ask this because the is no part of last stable release. I bet some plugins (or hook file) installed or your system refer to it.


  • Hello Nuxwin,

    yes, i use Mailgraph and Monitorix.

  • Re;

    It's normal so.

    In order, execute the following command:

    1. Disable all plugins

    1. # mysql -u root -p<password>> use imscp;> update plugin set plugin_status = 'disabled';

    2. Rerun the i-mscp installer

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    Once its done, download the latest plugin versions from our plugin store and update them through the plugins interface.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


  • Hello Nuxwin,

    many thanks.
    But i become the same Update Error.
    Here the mysql Output from Mysql plugin:
    | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
    | plugin_id | int(11) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
    | plugin_name | varchar(50) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
    | plugin_type | varchar(20) | NO | | NULL | |
    | plugin_info | text | NO | | NULL | |
    | plugin_config | text | YES | | NULL | |
    | plugin_status | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
    | plugin_error | text | YES | | NULL | |
    | plugin_backend | varchar(3) | NO | | no | |
    8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  • Re;

    1. # ls /etc/imscp/hooks.d



  • Re;

    Please give me the result of the following query:

    1. > select * from plugin;

    Also, try:

    1. # rm /var/www/imscp/engine/Plugins/*
    2. # perl imscp-autoinstall -d
