i-MSCP Pydio (AjaXplorer) addon Error 500

  • Nuxwin: Net2Ftp also not work when the opcache.enable Off in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/filemanager/.htaccess on my Server.
    When i Disable this all works perfect.

    @The Cry: I had read this announcment but i had php 5.3 and not php 5.5

  • Nuxwin: Net2Ftp also not work when the opcache.enable Off in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/filemanager/.htaccess on my Server.
    When i Disable this all works perfect.

    @The Cry: I had read this announcment but i had php 5.3 and not php 5.5


    Sorry but the Net2Ftp has not the .haccess file with such a flag.


  • Okay but when i had switch between Net2Ftp and Ajaxplorer then the .htaccess is also in the ftp directory.
    But by this time its not a problem with Pydio or Net2Ftp. All functional correct. :)

    Edited once, last by FlyingMike ().

  • Okay but when i had switch between Net2Ftp and Ajaxplorer then the .htaccess is also in the ftp directory.
    But by this time its not a problem with Pydio or Net2Ftp. All functional correct. :)

    So, this mean that when switching, previous webmail directory content is not flushed... I'll check this and fix;

    Thanks you for your report. ;)
