Domain setup

  • Hello,

    I've just started with my first VPS and I have troubles with setting up a domain.
    My current configuration:

    • domain A record pointing to my server IP
    • i-MSCP installed with FQDN as host.mydomain.tld (admin:

    However, when I'm accessing the web server through my server's IP or the domain I'm getting default empty serve message ("It works!") - wildcard-like, even with somerandomstuff.domain.tld.

    What could I do wrong?

  • It's the latest from Git Master (on Debian 7 64).

  • Hello ;

    Could you give me an SSH access to allow me to check?


  • Thanks to Nuxwin. Apparently there was a problem with base server IP, which was set as IPv6 instead of IPv4. This can be set by command:

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dasr ips