Exim Support

  • Hi. I like to request a feature. Full Exim support if possible. Great mail server

  • As i know exim and postfix are not working together out of the box.
    We decided to use postfix. So it will never comming up with i-MSCP.

    Hello ;

    Wait.... Why it's will never implemented ? Our API allow to provide alternative service implementations, do not forget this. It's not so hard to provide an implementation for the Exim server. We have already the data providers (modules) which are reusable. We must implement the server part only, which is responsible to setup Exim by using data received from data providers. We already do that for the Postfix server implementation.

    Of course, none of plugins made specially for the Postfix MTA will be compatible with the Exim server implementation. This is exactly for that reason that any plugin should always check its dependencies.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    Wait.... Why it's will never implemented ? Our API allow to provide alternative service implementations, do not forget this. It's not so hard to provide an implementation for the Exim server. We have already the data providers (modules) which are reusable. We must implement the server part only, which is responsible to setup Exim by using data received from data providers. We already do that for the Postfix server implementation.

    Of course, none of plugins made specially for the Postfix MTA will be compatible with the Exim server implementation. This is exactly for that reason that any plugin should always check its dependencies.

    Ok.. I'd not thought about the API.. :)
    Well if you don't see any problems with the implementation then we can put this request on the whishlist.. ;)

  • Alright sweet :) I shall look forward to it :D