Migrating from ispCP 1.1.0 -> All ispCP database key files are corrupted

  • Hi there,

    So i'm trying to migrate from ispCP 1.1.0 beta, using this wiki entry: http://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.ph…ration:ispcp:masterbranch

    however, after executing "perl imscp-migrate-from-ispcp" i get:

    And the next screen tells me:

    The key file has the following format:



    Does Anybody know how to fix this/what causes this?

    nuxwin helped me (or better: did it for me), he somehow regenerated the keys and will add an howto how to do it.

    Edited once, last by gatra ().

  • Migration done. I've in order:

    - Updated the database revision to 45.
    - Regenerated the ispcp db key files
    - Followed the normal migration path

    I'll add a section in the howto to show how to regenerated the ispCP db keys files in case they get corrupted ASAP.


  • Hi,

    Who can help me?
    I get the following when trying to migrate and no idea how to regenerate them?

    The migration script was unable to connect to the ispCP database using the following key files:


    Please fix this issue and try again.

  • @Momfer

    You have paid for a migration so please, don't touch anything because if you destroy too much things, that will be a hell for me. I plan to do the migration this night.

    EDIT: I'll cancel the payment because I do not want to have to deal with all your mistakes. Next time, just wait.
