It cannot change in a service port.

  • Hello ;

    Fixed in…d89545007b9983b3c3a88deec


    I don't see any problem to allow user to define another port for a service such as SSH. Changing a port via the panel allows to query it for status, nothing more. I think we must allows the admin to change port for any services without restriction. I'll talk with you on IRC.


  • This is how it suppose to work. Port 22 is assigned to ssh service by IANA. Even if you want to move port 22 will still be reserved for ssh :p

    Defining the SMTP submission port
    Why not set by default?

  • Defining the SMTP submission port
    Why not set by default?

    Daniel simply tried to explain you why it was implemented like this, nothing more. Now, we can talk and change anything you want as long that don't pose further problem. We are not here to annoy you. An Ironic answer (as I see it) will not help us to provide you a better UI.


  • Daniel simply tried to explain you why it was implemented like this, nothing more. Now, we can talk and change anything you want as long that don't pose further problem. We are not here to annoy you. An Ironic answer (as I see it) will not help us to provide you a better UI.

    Such intent is not.
    Although used by imscp-srv-traff and imscp_network, it is not displayed as a service port.
    If you think everyone is uncomfortable, is sorry.

    Edited once, last by kazuo ().

  • Such intent is not.
    Although used by imscp-srv-traff and imscp_network, it is not displayed as a service port.
    If you think everyone is uncomfortable, is sorry.

    Well, I apologies if I gets your sentence in wrong way. Again, we are not here to annoy you.

    Thanks for interest. ;)


  • Well, I apologies if I gets your sentence in wrong way. Again, we are not here to annoy you.

    Thanks for interest. ;)

    I'm sorry.
    Please check.
    imscp-srv-traff is not submission port to traffic counts.

    1. if (defined($port) && $port > 0) {
    2. $smtp_out += $bytes if ($port == 25);
    3. $smtp_out += $bytes if ($port == 465);
    4. $pop3_out += $bytes if ($port == 110);

  • I'm sorry.
    Please check.
    imscp-srv-traff is not submission port to traffic counts.

    1. if (defined($port) && $port > 0) {
    2. $smtp_out += $bytes if ($port == 25);
    3. $smtp_out += $bytes if ($port == 465);
    4. $pop3_out += $bytes if ($port == 110);

    I'm not sure to understand. Can you explain in better way.


  • Maybe he wants something like

    $smtp_in += $bytes if ($port == 587)

    But if we only count the smtp traffic *to* other mail servers then we don't need Port 587... This won't count the mail traffic from customers to customers (on the same server).


  • All right.
    I thought that it was used since 586 ports are counted by iptables.

    Edited once, last by kazuo ().