Not working: Value for the disable_functions directive

  • Hi,

    I just installed I-MSCP and everything works fine so far (Except for the old Ajaxplorer 4.2.3 currently using but I saw that the RC5 milestone has the Pydio (former Ajaxplorer) 5.0 on the list so that would be very cool.)

    I am using 1.1.0-rc4.6 with PHP-FPM and php.ini per domain.

    So what I found out that when logged in as Admin, and I change the Value for the disable_functions directive, noting happens. Not one line in /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini nor in /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/master.conf nor in /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/domain.conf. When I delete for example the "phpinfo" from the php_admin_value[disable_functions] line in the /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/domain.conf, it works. But from the admin panel, nothing works.

    So I think it is a bug but I am not sure, that's why I am asking here first.

  • Thanks for your report. I'll check ASAP.


  • ah, this are default settings? ok, it does not change existing customers.
    it would be wrong if all existing customers would be changed to new default settings, when admin changes them. because it might reset some settings customers already did, or his reseller.
    when you change default setting in admin panel, then reseller and customer can set them, and if a new customer is created he will get those settings per default.

    Edited once, last by flames ().

  • ah, this are default settings? ok, it does not change existing customers.
    it would be wrong if all existing customers would be changed to new default settings, when admin changes them. because it might reset some settings customers already did, or his reseller.
    when you change default setting in admin panel, then reseller and customer can set them, and if a new customer is created he will get those settings per default.

    Ah, yes of course, now it works fine.