error after up-dating 1.1.0-rc4.6

  • After up-dating to version 1.1.0-RC4.6 from a primary window of authorization links (were gone in a window bottom) on webmail, File Service, phpmyadmin...

    open !site!.com/pma - 404 error :(
    I thought that it is connected to that during installation there was an error. Then I set the rights 777 on imscp the directory and repeated up-dating
    it passed without errors, addons work if to transfer in the controlled domain, but aren't available to the administrator? And shall be? or it is possible to correct?

    Edited once, last by targetorsk ().

  • perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/

    sorry, i am not sure if i understood. you could additionaly write in russian corner a topic.

    Edited once, last by flames ().