I just tried to update the most recent nightly build
The steps I did:
After the first step of the install-routine I got this Error:
I assume that the database changed.
I can't get access to the i-mscp-gui and to phpmyadmin.
Thanks for any help!
I just tried to update the most recent nightly build
The steps I did:
After the first step of the install-routine I got this Error:
I assume that the database changed.
I can't get access to the i-mscp-gui and to phpmyadmin.
Thanks for any help!
why not just use:
this is the same "pull and install -routine" as mine, I just execute each step after another in the shell.
Did you clone it first?
Please test last trunk. Was a database error that suppose to be fixed now.
I first pulled with git and then executed "perl ./imscp-autoinstall"
I got to this step:
Then it said:
And then I got the Error.
Please test last trunk. Was a database error that suppose to be fixed now.
Anyway, I deleted the old git directory and cloned imscp new and then tried to install again. Worked without errors.