Nightly Update Error

  • I just tried to update the most recent nightly build
    The steps I did:

    1. cd /usr/local/src/imscpgit pullperl ./imscp-autoinstall

    After the first step of the install-routine I got this Error:

    1. [ ERRORS ]
    2. iMSCP::Execute::_getExitCode: Failed to execute external command: No such file or directory
    3. main::updateDb:
    4. main::setup_imscp_database: exitcode: -1
    5. iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

    I assume that the database changed.

    I can't get access to the i-mscp-gui and to phpmyadmin.

    Thanks for any help!

  • why not just use:

  • this is the same "pull and install -routine" as mine, I just execute each step after another in the shell.

  • Please test last trunk. Was a database error that suppose to be fixed now.

  • I first pulled with git and then executed "perl ./imscp-autoinstall"

    I got to this step:

    1. Build step finished without errors Do you want to continue the i-MSCP installation?

    Then it said:

    1. =>Yes
    2. ...
    3. Welcome to i-MSCP version Setup Dialog
    4. =>CONTINUE

    And then I got the Error.

    Please test last trunk. Was a database error that suppose to be fixed now.

    Anyway, I deleted the old git directory and cloned imscp new and then tried to install again. Worked without errors.


    Edited once, last by Preexo ().