This one is just weird... and it comes in three stages.
In 1.1.0-rc4.5, I tried to change the service ports being displayed on the monitoring page. All I did was change the drop downs from "no" to "yes" and click update.
The response was a page of errors saying:
Error: Wrong Ip number.
Only positive numbers are allowed for services ports.
(see attahed file service-port-error-1.jpg)
So I updated the few "localhost" defaults that were showing to, and clicked update again. The number of errors was reduced, but the error indication is incorrect. The red-outlines on the error fields are not correct (it should be the 0th and 1st entry, not the 1st and 2nd.)
(see attached file service-port-error-2.jpg)
When I click reset (thinking it will fix things) the system re-inserts "localhost" which it previously flagged as an error. I would have expected it to insert the IP if it was going to force validation to an IP.
(see attached file service-port-error-3.jpg)
So the work around is to use the IP - but the validation and the defaults are out of sync on this page.