Which server files should I backup?

  • I am running a daily file based backup of a ubuntu linux vserver.
    On the server is running a i-mscp installation.

    Which directories and folders should be secured in any case. What files and directories can be omitted easily?

    so far I only backup the following files


    Thank you!

  • for a imscp specific backup, which can be restored on any debian or ubuntu server that is compatible with imscp (to restore, copy back the folders, import mysql dump, run imscp setup)
    mysql dump (or /var/lib/mysql while backing up a dump is more flexible)

    for a full backup, which can be restored on same machine with exactly same linux version
    backup /
    and exclude /dev /proc and /tmp

    of course the full backup can be also restored with manual interaction on another server (copying back only needed folders)

    Edited once, last by flames ().