Softwar Plugins not processing

  • Hello
    I am getting the following error while processing the rqst-mgr

    I guess something went wrong while installing the software addons packages.

    And i think the database hangs too. Maybe there are some "toadd" entries.
    But i can not access the phpmyadmin panel anymore to look it up and fix it

    What can I do?

  • Hello ;

    i-MSCP version?

    BTW: You can fixe that issue manually by copying the missing archive joomla_2_5_6_de-1.tar.gz into the folder /var/www/imscp/gui/data/persistent/softwares/sw_depot.

    Another solution is to truncate the web_software table from the imscp database

    1. #mysql -u root -p
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > truncate web_software

    This last solution is more fast in case you have a lot of missing archives.

    Of course, once it's done, you must rerun the installer.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hey!

    Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it.

    The MySQL code worked perfectly. Once the database was working again my update from -MSCP 1.1.0-rc3 to i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.1 finished in less than 2 minutes.

    I think the rqst-mgr had suspended packages while installing the software.
    Probably some softwares are stuck at the "Installing" and i forgot about it bevor i was updating.