Is there a way to redirect all requests to control panel, PMA, File manager and webmail to use HTTPS SSL?
Or is it better to allow the user to click on normal or secure connection?
Is there a way to redirect all requests to control panel, PMA, File manager and webmail to use HTTPS SSL?
Or is it better to allow the user to click on normal or secure connection?
Is there a way to redirect all requests to control panel, PMA, File manager and webmail to use HTTPS SSL?
Or is it better to allow the user to click on normal or secure connection?
I am using this: http://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.ph…nel_on_port_8443_with_ssl
Basically imscp will be always on port 8443+ssl, this way if the customers want to access the control panel they can do it via http://theirdomain.com:8443 too.
This howto is outdated and will not work with last master.
Updated the wiki page with the working version, it will fail on 1.1.0-rc3 but work in more recent versions (still unreleased)