DNS responding with wrong NS

  • Hello

    I have my Domains pointing to my Server ns1.myserver.com and ns2.myserver.com but the Server responds with the ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com of the virtual Domain.

    I get this from DNSStuff:


    Parent zone does not provide glue for nameservers, which will cause delays in resolving your domain name. The following nameserver addresses were not provided by the parent 'glue' and had to be looked up individually. This is perfectly acceptable behavior per the RFCs. This will usually occur if your DNS servers are not in the same TLD as your domain (for example, a DNS server of "ns1.example.org" for the domain "example.com"). In this case, you can speed up the connections slightly by having NS records that are in the same TLD as your domain.

    and this:


    Stealth Nameserver
    One or more stealth nameservers discovered. This means that one or more nameservers are not listed at both the parent and authoritative nameservers. This can be confusing and can cause delays or other hard to diagnose inconsistencies. The stealth nameservers discovered are:

    How can I solve this issue and get my Server to pass on the real NS info rather than the ns1.customerdomain.com and ns2.customerdomain.com?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Where did you host your dns? sounds not really related to imscp ;)

    Thanks for the reply. I have pointed my Domain to the i-mscp Server without a external host, so its on the i-mscp Server. It all works fine, but the DNSstuff.com brings up an error saying the above. So I guess I need to get i-mscp to respond with ns1.myserver.com and not ns1.customerdomain.com. How? Or is this an intended result and I should be using ns1.customerdomain.com?


  • Hello ctct, this issue is known and will be fixed in 1.2.0.
    but no worry, its pretty minor. dns still work fine (i use my imscp server also as nameserver, with same issue)