Coming release - Email quota management review

  • Hello dear community ;

    I would ask you all to test the new Email quota management behavior, which as been integrated in last Git master. Indeed, the Email quota management has been revisited a lot according your requests (see tickets #460 and #469 on our bug tracker).

    Previously, the rules was not really clear because the customers were allowed to set any value for mail quota without any restriction...

    From now the rules are as follow:

    • The administrators and resellers can set the Email quota value through hosting plans ;
    • A reseller can set the Email quota value during customer creation ;
    • The Email quota value cannot be greater than the disk space limit ;
    • A customer cannot set the Email quota with a value that is greater than the quota value set by it reseller.

    BTW: The Email quota support for Courier is on the road... Implementation using the maildrop MDA is almost finished and will be part of the coming release. Also, to standardize the Email quota management (Dovecot, Courier), We will use the same quota backend (Maildir++ maildirsize files). Currently, we are using a dedicated database table for Dovecot (quota_dovecot table). This table will be removed. See the tickets #908 and #909 on our bug tracker for further information about these planned changes.

    Thanks you all for your tests.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    According your feedbacks on IRC, I've rewritten the mail interface and fixed some inconsistencies related to quota management (Thanks to flames).


    Thanks you all for your tests.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    Quota support for Courier has been added in Git Master. Also, several fixes for Dovecot were been added. Feel free to test and report any bug.


    Thanks you.
