Migrating form ispcp imscp RC3

  • Hi,
    starting my migration today and not sure on the documentation how far I should go into the installer?

    The guide says:
    Start the installation of the system (as you would for a new install), but IMPORTANT, when you see the i-mscp setup screen. SAY NO, because you've to continue using the console instead of this installer.

    Does it mean when I get to:

    Debian 6.0.7 (squeeze) has been detected. Is this ok?

    I should say no? Or do I need to get further into the installer?

    Also I gather when the guide refers to:

    cp -Rv /tmp/imscp/* /

    It means:

    cp -Rv /tmp/imscp-1.1.0-rc3/* / ?????? Because there is no imscp directory.


    Edited once, last by robbo007 ().

  • Hello ;

    The documentation was written for the current stable For the last RC (1.1.0-rc3):

    Answer yes to the distro detection dialog and on next dialog, choose the build option. It's clearly explained in the dialog.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

    flames likes this.
  • ok got it updated no errors reported. I had a slight problem with adding my SSL cert. If there a way to add it manually?

    Edited once, last by robbo007 ().

  • whats the problem exact with the cert?

    It accepted my private key ok but on the screen where you select the crt file it did not allow me to continue. I had the correct cry file selected. Press enter an nothing.

    So to continue I said: Enable SSL support but no I don't have a cert. This allowed me to migrate.

    So now I would like to manually add my cert? Not sure if this is possible?
    [Something has seriously gone wrong :(

    I ran the:

    Migrate from ispCP

    # cp -fR /tmp/imscp/* /
    # cd /var/www/imscp/engine/setup
    # perl imscp-migrate-from-ispcp
    # perl imscp-setup

    No errors (apart from my skipping the SSL) in the install.

    This is the last lines of the install log:

    Tue Aug 13 09:20:47 2013] [error] Modules::openssl::ssl_check_cert: Error loading file /etc/imscp/sosaria.secnet.es.pem
    10144:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:126:fopen('/etc/imscp/sosaria.secnet.es.pem','r')
    10144:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:bss_file.c:129:
    10144:error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib:by_file.c:274:
    usage: verify [-verbose] [-CApath path] [-CAfile file] [-purpose purpose] [-crl_check] [-engine e] cert1 cert2 ...
    recognized usages:
    sslclient SSL client
    sslserver SSL server
    nssslserver Netscape SSL server
    smimesign S/MIME signing
    smimeencrypt S/MIME encryption
    crlsign CRL signing
    any Any Purpose
    ocsphelper OCSP helper
    [Tue Aug 13 09:20:50 2013] [error] Modules::openssl::ssl_check_key: Key /etc/imscp/sosaria.secnet.es.pem doesn't exists. Exiting...
    [Tue Aug 13 09:22:58 2013] [error] main::setupUpdateDatabase: [ERROR] Database update failed: Database update 114 failed.

    Exception message was:
    SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't1.protected' in 'where clause'
    Query was:
    `domain_dns` AS `t1`
    `t1`.`domain_dns` = CONCAT((SELECT `t2`.`domain_name` FROM `domain` AS `t2` WHERE `t1`.`domain_id` = `t2`.`domain_id`), '.')
    `t1`.`domain_dns` = ''
    `t1`.`protected` = 'yes'
    Should I re-run the migrations scripts?

    I'm not sure if its migrated anything. I see ISPCP is broken and does not load. :(

    Edited once, last by robbo007 ().

  • Not sure if it's the proper way, but I'd adapt the layout of your current db (table domain_dns) to what the upgrader expects, you are probably comming from a version which has some features not contempled.

    The table is this (taken from configs/debian/database/database.sql)

    You could just do an alter to add the field with something like this:


    ALTER TABLE domain_dns ADD `protected` VARCHAR(3) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no' AFTER `domain_text`;

    Then I'd run again the setup and see if it can finnish.

    You could enter to the #i-mscp channel in irc for some direct help too.

  • Could this be due to some customers domains having entires in the manual DNS filed in ISPCP? If so I think I can remove these before the upgrade.

    I'm rolling back because its completely broken. I'll enable the debugger and re-run the upgrade (Without SSL and remove manual DNS entries) to see if it at least works.

  • If you can rollback, it's the best thing you can do at this point.
    The error you are getting is because the layout of the database doesn't match what is expected.


    1054 Unknown column 't1.protected'

    BTW, the only suported upgrade path from ispcp is from 1.0.7, earlier versions didn't have the protected field in the database, so the cause might came from there.

    flames likes this.

  • If you can rollback, it's the best thing you can do at this point.
    The error you are getting is because the layout of the database doesn't match what is expected.

    BTW, the only suported upgrade path from ispcp is from 1.0.7, earlier versions didn't have the protected field in the database, so the cause might came from there.

    Do you have any tools for me to test my ISPCP database before migrating? This would save a lot of time. I've rolled back and my ISPCP is backonline.

    If you can rollback, it's the best thing you can do at this point.
    The error you are getting is because the layout of the database doesn't match what is expected.

    BTW, the only suported upgrade path from ispcp is from 1.0.7, earlier versions didn't have the protected field in the database, so the cause might came from there.

    After rolling back removing the manual DNS entries from my customers domains I now get a different error:

    Tue Aug 13 11:48:15 2013] [error] main::setupUpdateDatabase: [ERROR] Database update failed: Database update 52 failed.

    Exception message was:
    SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'ispcp.web_software_options' doesn't exist
    Query was:

    `web_software_options` (`use_webdepot`, `webdepot_xml_url`, `webdepot_last_update`)
    ('1', 'http://app-pkg.i-mscp.net/imscp_webdepot_list.xml', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')

    Could this error come from my rollback. Basically I did a rsync of / before running the migration. to rollback I just rsync the copy back on top of my server and reboot. Should I remove and IMSCP files from the server before re-attempting the migration? If so what are the paths for these files to remove?

    Edited once, last by robbo007 ().

  • Quote

    Could this error come from my rollback. Basically I did a rsync of / before running the migration. to rollback I just rsync the copy back on top of my server and reboot. Should I remove and IMSCP files from the server before re-attempting the migration? If so what are the paths for these files to remove?

    It seems to me that you are not starting from 1.0.7, hence all the inconsitencies with the database you are having.
    About testing the migration, what I usually do is to replicate ALL the system to another server (we're using virtualization), and test that with a different ip, once the upgrade process has gone flawlessly, I then to the upgrade to the real server.