not a bug ....
works find with a fresh install of ISPCP 1.0.7 and upgrade to I-MSCP 5332[hr]
use pma to fix this. I`ll think on what can be the problem, but i really suspect something with your server (mysql, perl, perl modules openvz container etc).Until then we wait and see if anybody report same problem
@ daniel
test with a fresh install of ISPCP 1.0.7 on a fresh server (openvz debian 6) upgrade to i-mscp trunk 5332 -------> same problem with proftpd[hr]
not the same problem with proftpd : in pma the login vftp works on the fresh test server. but the respon client FTP is same.[hr]
It's works if i change the FTP password user to the panel[hr]
migration script going to make me crazy.
in the vm test (copy prodution) i have test the trunk 5332 and i have not the problem with proftpd all user account works
but on the vm fresh install of ispcp 1.0.7 -> FTP password user are wrong [hr]
No big bug found, sorry daniel
good job