First report on updating

  • yes gd2 extension

    acp = admin controll panell

    Sun was right to book now semtlichhe directories properly again because law and book now goes back gd2 extension so it goes back book now.

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0

    Edited once, last by Speddy ().

  • FTP related error should be fixed. Please test in r5315.
    @krock you database seems in bad shape please execute this queries before update:
    UPDATE `imscp`.`subdomain_alias` SET `subdomain_alias_url_forward` = 'no';
    UPDATE `imscp`.`subdomain` SET `subdomain_url_forward` = 'no';
    UPDATE `imscp`.`domain_aliasses` SET `url_forward` = 'no';
    Speedy, I do not understand a thing :) can you rephrase please?

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • FTP related error should be fixed. Please test in r5315.

    [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (82,82,192,128,168,175).
    [R] Datenkanal-IP öffnen: PORT: 43183
    [R] MLSD
    [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
    [R] 226 Transfer complete
    [R] Verzeichnis geladen: 1 KB in 0,03 Sekunden (1,2 KB/s)
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 bbcode.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 bbcode.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 crypt.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 crypt.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 images.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 images.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 lcd.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 lcd.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 sha1.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 sha1.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 swfobject.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 swfobject.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 template.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 template.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
    [R] SITE CHMOD 0444 tree.js
    [R] 550 CHMOD 0444 tree.js: Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt

    I do not have the possibility to modify the data via ftp to write right.

    I have the trunk version Changeset 5315[hr]

    The right of the directories have not read more in tune and have read the book now by right winscp ftp new law because I have not the possibility of the right to change directory.

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0

    Edited once, last by Speddy ().

  • ja jetz kann ich per ftp die rechte wieder ändern aber warum gibt es jetz einen benutzer da ich nur 1 domän habe auf denn localhost siehe anhang.
    book now so I can ftp the right to change again but why is there a book now because I have to use a domain only for localhost see appendix.


    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0

  • Can somebody translate? google translator does not help

  • I have only one domain user since 2001, book now with a 2003 but shown why

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0

  • he means - earlier (before update) his one and only user was vu2001 - and now it's vu2003....

    So maybe a new user was created... ??


  • ah, if that is the problem, I removed link between system id (uid) and user name. uid is created dinamically by system (no longet auto-num table...shit).

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • he means - earlier (before update) his one and only user was vu2001 - and now it's vu2003....

    So maybe a new user was created... ??


    yes that's what I meant.

    my System :

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 9.13 | Codename: wheezy
    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3| Build: 20181208 | Codename: Ennio Morricone
    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)
    - LetsEncrypt (v3.3.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)YubiKeyAuth 1.1.0