Debian Wheezy not detected

  • I recently installed Debian 6 32 bit minimal on a VPS, updated and upgraded the packages. Then I changed the apt sources from squeeze to wheeze, upgraded and thus completed a successful upgrade from squeeze to wheeze.

    I now tried to install the latest imscp-1.1.0-rc2.3.tar.bz2 with the auto installer, and got the following message:

    Distribution not supported
    Onle ebian-like OS are supported

    How does the script check whether I'm runing Debian?

    I have:

    1. #cat /etc/debian_version
    2. 7.1

  • Hello

    This issue has been fixed in master. See…-possible-with-debian-7-1

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Ah. Sorry. I didnt notice that thread. I'll patch my version.

    1. wget && patch -p1<1ad65477fdb1bfdbe0770635ac5f3d5a168e8889.diff

    It works! Thanks.

    Edited once, last by dzchimp ().

  • ich habe das selbe Problem und hänge da nach wie vor :(