save failed to INBOX: Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)

  • Hi,
    I'm migrating from ISPCP, now I copied some mail messages (~800 MB) via scp, changed owner (vmail) and group (mail) and now I have an error:

    1. save failed to INBOX: Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)

    I did that for few domains, and got this error first time.
    Domanin have NO QUOTA LIMITS, in mailbox size limit have value 0, so unlimited.
    Have you any idea for that?
    I've check file premisions, free disk space, quota for domain - nothing...

  • Any ideas?
    OK, I found that limit in DB, table: mail_users, field: quota.
    Why is set to 100MB if I set no limit when I've create domain?
    I don't understand that.

  • So could you tell me if i'll make upgrade from stable to RC all functions still are available? All will be work? Premissions are not change?
    What about changes in configuration files? I made some changes, for example in postfix, dovecot and bind configs.