Problem when adding domains, alias or subdomains

  • Hello,

    everytime when I try to create a new User, Alias or Subdomain, it does not work. Status is always "Unknown error". I have to go to the admin area and start the i-MSCP-Debugger. There are always some errors reported. For example when try to create a subdomain:


    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...

    Than I have to click 'add to change'. The given statuscode is 250. And than it works. The apache log does not show a error and I'm not sure, where to search for.

  • i-MSCP-Daemon is running. Release: Beta 4. Distr. is Debian 6.0.2 (squeeze, Kernel (SMP) x86_64).

    Here the error when adding alias:


    sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/bin/cp -rp /var/www/imscp/gui/data/domain_default_page/images /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/domainalias.tld/htdocs/' exited with value 1 !

  • Hello ;

    The directory (/var/www/imscp/gui/data/domain_default_page/images) is present on your system ?


  • No I removed it, because I created new default_pages without images (some weeks ago). I created it (also for disabeld_pages) and now all work fine (adding alias, create new users, adding subdomains).

    Hmm .. its a feature or a bug?

    Edited once, last by bastey ().

  • Re ;

    For now, you must not remove the directory (/var/www/imscp/gui/data/domain_default_page/images) because the backend (engine) look for it each time a new domain entity is created. If the directory is not found and so, cannot be copied, an error is raised.

    It's a bad implementation that come from the forked project. In next version (not yet planned) this feature will be improved.


  • In next version( not yet planned) this feature will be improved.

    Problem is solved in branche (not yet in trunk). Hopefully in 1 week max 2 weeks will have a brand new engine that will avoid this kind of problem

    Edited once, last by oldev01 ().

  • Problem is solved in branche (not yet in trunk). Hopefully in 1 week max 2 weeks will have a brand new engine that will avoid this kind of problem

    Your answer here resume all problems that I have with you. If you don't provides us any plan for rewrite issue, how we can know if any problems is already resolved and will be integrated in trunk ASAP ?
