Why doesnt my server send emails with postfix from php?

  • I've got exactly the same problem here on a clean install of 1.1.0rc4.4 on debian wheezy.

    The thing is we manage mails from an other server (hosted exchange) and we don't need the dns facilities.
    the outgoing mails are working well but when our system need to send a mail to one the hosted domain, it never leave the server.

    i tryed to desable the mail support by setting -1 to the number of emails from the web interface: no effects
    i tryed to set an external mail server from the web interface: no effect as well

    the only thing, i did which actually worked to correct this was to edit the /etc/postfix/ismcp/domains (yes the one with the "please do not edit") and delete the domains from there, then regenerate the domains.mb (postmap /etc/postfix/ismpc/domains)
    then reload postfix

    on iscp, there was a master file to edit so this conf won't be over writed the next time i edit a domain, but i can't remember where it is.

  • You have to use the external mail feature.
    Login as reseller and check wheter the customer has actovated the feature "External mail server". After this switch to the customer under "Mail". There you will find the new section "External mail server".
    Add the same entries for "hosted exchange" like you do it on you DNS server.

  • Is there a more generic way to do this ?
    For example, if I have to manage the website of a client but he wants his mails managed by another company.
    If he decides to change this, I need to be informed of the change in MX records (and that's the hardest part, getting the client to remember this kind of things).