Wishlist for future development of i-MSCP

  • Features

    • php.ini edit in gui
    • ability to transfer customer/reseller from server a to server b over gui

    1. php.ini is imposible to edit in GUI, because we must restart Apache to apply changes. If we do it by cron, users will fuck our brains "Why server is crashing during upload at midnight?" :dodgy:
    2. I can add that we need a script, that has an ability to transfer whole the panel from server to server, if we need to change a hardware for example...
    3. We need to use nginx on port 81 to redirect processing from apache to have more than 300 clients on a single server.
    4. Also we may to integrate Zend Oplimiser & ioncube loader for noobie-hosters (also fuck-my-brains)
    5. We may do the panel template installer, and make custom templates for the panel (I may ask my friends)

    For now, that's all

    Edited once, last by DragonZX ().

  • Oups, one more... In Russia and other countries, started a national highest domain registration. For Russia it's РФ. This domains has an ability to have an UTF-8 Symbols (IDN). We need to find the better way, how to adapt the domains check.

  • 1. php.ini is imposible to edit in GUI, because we must restart Apache to apply changes. If we do it by cron, users will fuck our brains "Why server is crashing during upload at midnight?" :dodgy:

    IMHO with php running via f(ast)cgi(d) it should be enough to kill the php processes of the customer (who changes the php.ini).
    With mod-php of course - you need to reload or restart the whole apache.


  • IMHO with php running via f(ast)cgi(d) it should be enough to kill the php processes of the customer (who changes the php.ini).
    With mod-php of course - you need to reload or restart the whole apache.


    I agreed here. We can reload PHP configuration for a specific user by killing her fastCGI process.


  • Hello people, i want applications installer too, ejej.

    joximu Wrote:
    app installer - if possible for a already existing package format - eg. apsstandard.org (I know it's from parallels - but it seems to be an open thing...)

    Thecry :
    I'm working on it...
    At first the appinstaller will be the same like the old one...
    Then i want to implement the appstandard

    This its Fantastic, its more easy and this i-mscp program can be famous for using apsstandard.org, its a good publicity and feature and diff from others. Think this. ISp omega dont support application installer now, and i for example want this feature and must use in a future this panel ;)

    I sugest too:

    A best presentation from prices or posibility to change colors, forms, font, easy.

    A posiblity for automatic paypal pluging or similar for payment.

    Api for confirm payments and active accounts or similat method.

    for low hosting for example a posiblity of automatic up services whitout confirm paymen and more later you confirm the payment and up or down services.

    thank you for this new project, a greet.