Installation stops at Step 4 of 5

  • Hello

    I have a problem with the installation of the i-mscp control panel.
    I installed it and when it was installing my internet was down. The ssh console disconnected and the installation stopped.
    Now i wanted to restart the installation.
    When it installs I-MSCP in 5 steps it stops at step 4 of 5. On the Screen:

    Performing step 4 from total of 5

    Prepare i-MSCP setup/update
    What should I do ? Where is the installation Log ?

  • Hello ;

    More information are needed:

    - What is the i-MSCP version you are trying to install on your server?
    - What is your distribution and its codename?

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • the newest master, newest beta, newest master?^^